Friday, May 31, 2019

leftover friday

juno- "momma, i smell you. you smell like a momma with armpits."

mira- "mommy, i have to tell you something. i would never hit an old woman. and you're an old woman cause you're 40."

juno- "you never makes us cookies anymore."
me- "i make you bars."
juno- "that is really not cookies."

juno- "i'm eating my dinner, but this is tasting like dogs."

mira- "who did this?
imogen- "it wasn't me."
mira- "everyone makes messes imogen, even you."

juno- "i'm getting chubby because the mosquitoes keep drinking my sweet blood."

me- "juno is my accident prone girl."
imy- "no she's not. mira is your crazy pro girl."
mira- "i am a crazy fun girl."

daddy- "don't touch each other one more time."
mira- "hey imogen, does one more time mean forever?"

juno has been all of our sunshine for 5 years and we count it all joy when she tells us to "wake your happy up." she still sings a song when she is tired, pinches everyone's armpits, wanted just watermelon for her cake and says i love you unconditionally.
we kept things simple for this homebody and we played at home and grilled burgers.

we had real watermelon, but i also made her a sweet treat :)

our first time to get into the tub and pull a mattress over us during a tornado warning because it was literally right over us. we prayed, sang songs and they each shed a tear. a lesson in bravery was had and we are all safe.

lots of swimming happening over here and great therapy for the youngest!
so grateful for our friends who let us borrow their community pool pass :)

and look at the progress.
she took her first steps unassisted yesterday and then wanted to try and ride her bike.

i am reminded how much wisdom there is in patience. i didn't grow up that way, so practicing it isn't natural and instilling it in these homegirls isn't easy, but patience is such a virtue to have.

happy weekend!

Friday, May 17, 2019

leftover friday

mira- "what does this color say? ggg...rrr...ed. gred?"
me- "gred is not a color."
mira- "oh, but it really should be."

juno- "is my cast blood proof?"

juno- "what does this leg hurt? i know. it hurts because it wants to watch the tv."

i'm so thankful for our creative arts studio and all the girls have learned from it.

this week we had our cc community field day.
and this is the only picture i took of the whole day.

i wasn't going to go because i didn't have anyone to watch my homegirls, but then my giant pushed me out of bed and i'm so thankful i got up to go hug these students of mine. 

dinner with friends

they put on their own recital for me, which included juno on drums.

and our biggest news of all...
juno had a cast off party!

**although she is currently in a walking boot, she is refusing to walk. it's going to take time. i'm thankful to not be lugging the big ole cast around, but carrying her everywhere is making us weary. 

we are at the start of something big. and it begins with decluttering and organizing around here.
happy weekend.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

leftover friday

homegirl quotes:

juno- "all my tickles are gone."

juno- "dirty hands? how did i get dirty hands? i must have gotten them when daddy gave me kisses."

imy- "what happened to the light?
mira- "it boomed out."
imy- "what does that mean?"
mira- "it means it fluttered out."

juno- "whoa mommy, your skin is really bobbly."

mira- "i just fell into the creek.
me- "we have a creek in the backyard?"
imy- "she means the concreek outside."

our giant got free tickets through his work to our favorite baseball stadium + it was his birthday.  and as soon as we walked in, look who got a foul ball!

i heard the girls discussing the other day that they wanted to make {fashion girls} and sell them outside at the end of our driveway.

we live on a very quiet street where all our neighbors are retired and are not out much. there is a construction crew that is working on the house across the street and i tried to tell them those guys would not be interested in buying {fashion girls} 😳 but they did not believe me. we settled on setting up shop in the house and juno and i were their best customers.

life has been consumed with dance this week and we have the pleasure of being in two recitals this saturday.   

happy weekend.

Friday, May 3, 2019

leftover friday

last weekend my parents and my youngest brother and family were in town to celebrate my cousin's wedding. it was fun to have them here and was a nice distraction from all things.

i can't tell you exactly how i am feeling.
the pressure of the mundane is squeezing me and i am no longer trying to come up for air. i like the hole that i've dug. the stillness, the quietness, the darkness,
i want to stay right here.
i can't be the strong one. i wasn't yesterday, nor will i be today. maybe i won't ever be.
i close my eyes and don't want them to open.
it is all so heavy
and it all makes me so weepy.
i am a little bit afraid and feel some guilt for the things i know i should be as a mom and a wife and a teacher right now.
and i think that's all grief.

i call upon His name because He is my strength.

"there is a kind of intimacy with the Lord Jesus, the creator of the universe, that only those know who hold fast to Him in the midst of sorrow and pain and loss." -John Piper

two years ago at this time dave and dawn came to visit for an entire week. i can't even begin to explain how grateful i am for that time together. little did we know the road that God would take them on.
this week i grieved over losing my female encouragement. dawn knew how to restore my confidence, she inspired me, cheered for me and was always on my side. i miss her so dearly.
and gosh, how i'm so very thankful rob knew her so well. we can go through this together.
i feel closer to him because of dawn and feel closer to dawn because of him.
and i'm just so sorry that dave will no longer have her encouragement, her energy, her spirit and her comfort.

my giant turns another year older. how i love him and how he loves. Gosh, I wish everyone knew just who he is, what he is and what he's about. he's life changing and I get him all my days.
and that's reason to celebrate.

Friday, April 19, 2019

leftover friday.

juno ended up braking her fibula and tibia, developed a terrible rash from being allergic to ibuprofen,  had to be casted on top of that terrible rash, took mira to the doctor for the second time to get her on another round of antibiotics to finally kill her strep, had big things planned this week {every day and every night} and had to say no to all of them, binged watched way too much tv, stayed up almost every night all night with a miserable 4 year old, bathed my kids who haven't bathed in almost 2 weeks, desire to do the mundane is gone, tear stained cheeks and haven't cooked all week. 

oh, and there's a duck who has made a nest in our front yard and has laid an egg each day. she is up to 9 now.

that about sums up our week.

how grateful we are that we get to openly celebrate our risen Lord this weekend. i never want to take that freedom for granted.
happy Easter.

Friday, April 12, 2019

leftover {failure} friday

it was a beautiful day on wednesday. the girls wanted to go for a bike ride, but i wasn't up for it, 
so i decided on a scooter ride instead. 

riding downhill and juno do not mix and this was the end result.

and it was all my fault.

add it to my list of failures lately. 
i can't seem to get anything right.
it's a struggle and i am struggling.

she broke her tibia and it has been really painful for her. my heart just breaks. 

and yes, mira does have strep in her nose.
 add it to the list.
our giant is worn out sick because he worked so hard and so late for way too many nights in a row.

we are a mess.  but i'm so grateful we can be a mess together. 

happy weekend.

Friday, April 5, 2019

leftover friday

when i think my struggles are big and i continue to fail, these are the words i cling to, 
this hymn:
"When I fear my faith will fail, Christ will hold me fast;
When the tempter would prevail, He will hold me fast.
I could never keep my hold through life's fearful path;
For my love is often cold; He must hold me fast.
He will hold me fast, He will hold me fast;
For my Saviour loves me so, He will hold me fast.
Those He saves are His delight, Christ will hold me fast;
Precious in his holy sight, He will hold me fast.
He'll not let my soul be lost; His promises shall last;
Bought by Him at such a cost, He will hold me fast."
one of my favorite versions is by norton hall band: check it out here

the last couple of weeks were hard. really hard. and all the emotions of grief were relived.
but God.
He had beautiful plans.

i look at these faces. and it brings so much joy, but not without some heartache.
 we went {camping} with our friends.
that's right. we went with my friend who i somehow lost years ago

check these cuties out on our first play date when we moved back to texas.

 healing is happening and it's only because of the boldness, humility and forgiveness our Savior brings.

we spoke from scars and not open wounds. we cried for what we lost and what we had. 
His love is big and i'm so very grateful for it all. 

 i'm an aunt again! meet my adorable new nephew oliver💙

this man, our giant. he loves on us so very much after he's worked long days.

i caught the girls playing {funeral} with their guys. it was complete with prayers, worship and an eulogy.
they played this for 2 hours.
and it broke my heart. we've been to two many funerals.

our shorts and tees and tanks are out.

2 out of the 3 may still be in their jammies, but no tears during school :)

work out for momma

this girl finished 2nd grade math! 

trying to get back into the rhythm of libraring it

waving goodbye to our friends.

homegirl quotes:

mira- "i just fell into the creek."
me- "we have a creek in our backyard?"
imy- "she means the concreek outside."

juno- "i dies a fly with my chalk. wanna see it?"

imogen- "brushing my hair takes up all my time. will still brush it, i just won't brush out all the tangles. i don't have time for that."

mira- "i think i know why our neighbor's house looks so good. they put their sprinklers on and then they lawn it."

steak tacos tonight, our greasy giant is working on cars for others, we're going to catch up on some school since we took a longer than average😬😂 spring break, maybe some gnome cones, bike rides and worshiping our Lord.
happy weekend.