Wednesday, April 13, 2011

here we go, again

so i have this friend and she is headed to denver in her minivan this weekend and imy and i decided to tag along. with a pit stop in colby, ks we are then going to jump in the car with my mom. a last minute trip underway and m-town it is. fast, quick and fun. that's how we work it. here's imogen with nana and papa's doggies last time we were in nebraska. can't wait to see them!


Anonymous said...

oh how fun!!! sad we will miss you gals! we are headed to denver this weekend. hope you have a splendid trip! :) we miss you all!

a giant, a homeschool momma, a kung fu panda, a little ninja turtle and a penguin said...

hey! am actually going to be there sunday night- wednesday!! when are you getting back?