Thursday, April 14, 2011

the monkey on our back

i actually am starting to feel like a stay at home mom. i got the laundry rolling, house cleaned and dinner cooking. oh and of course taking care of, playing with, feeding and changing imogen's dirty diapies. this is all just today though. tomorrow will probably be different. but it sure does feel good today. i have accomplished tasks that are not just in my head. she's asleep right now and that is always something to celebrate, for she doesn't go down without a fight.

last night was the last time she will wear these jammies. the monkeys were our favorite. i will miss seeing her in them.

when i went to get her from her crib (actually it's a pack-n-play, we don't have the room for a crib) i caught her just rolling around. she can now go from back to tummy and tummy to back. plus she finally let go of that dang thumb and has been sucking it everyday. it's adorable.

ok, now back to doing mommy and wifey duties...


emily/thesearethedays said...

Look at how sweet she is! How dark are her eyes? Love you, Tiff, and love you too, Imy!

a giant, a homeschool momma, a kung fu panda, a little ninja turtle and a penguin said...

they are a deep navy blue. they will probably continue to get darker, but i love the color they are now.

a giant, a homeschool momma, a kung fu panda, a little ninja turtle and a penguin said...

oh, and we sure do miss you guys!

Danielle Hawes said...

What a cutie!!!