Wednesday, May 4, 2011

five months already

happy 5 month birthday to these sweet cheeks. this widdle girl has two teeth and is working on a couple more. her favorite activities include: attacking her toy sophie, rolling all over. scooting. touching everything in sight. laying on the death grip. showing off for daddy in her jumpy and being attached to momma's hip.
she weighs 17 lbs 5 oz. (what i weighed when i was a year old) and is in the 90th percentile for her weight and height. so i guess she is pretty proportionate. we went out to dinner with friends last night. but because today is her official five month birthday, we will be celebrating tonight too. daddy will be a drag because he has to study but we will enjoy ourselves some beef stroganoff, green beans and strawberries&bananas for dessert.

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1 comment:

Danielle Hawes said...

Happy 5 Months!!! What a DOLL! I just love her little expressions. Seriously. They make my heart happy.