Friday, October 5, 2012

our frig is full

and there's lots of leftovers on the table.

it is 32 degrees out and it snowed last night.
i love cold weather, but please fall, don't skip us.

that very important letter we had been waiting for never came and now we are waiting again. why people put things off and make you wait? i absolutely despise it.

rejoicing for a dear friend today as they get to bring home their sweet new daughter. they've been waiting long and patiently for this baby.

she shocked me one day as she was picking up rocks and counted to 10 all by herself. {well, she skipped seven because she can't really say it, but 10 people, 10, that's huge}

oh, and she also pottied in the toilet for the first time today. that, is cause for celebration. i'm busting out my homemade cinnamon rolls and some chili.

why do people quit giving when they {think}they don't have much. are we not called to give more? it saddens me to watch this over and over again.

i am feeling really big these days and this ninja turtle doesn't stop.
the birth of this baby is coming quickly and i'm really starting to focus and pray for this big event. can you believe that i'm already 29 weeks?

i don't think anyone {especially us} realizes this, but we only have 3 weekends left here. because we're moving.

oh, and did i mention my greasy monkey cut his hair. ya, just for me.

we get to celebrate a special 3 year old bestie tomorrow, head to a fall festival, maybe even a pumpkin patch, pick up a few things from craigslist and eat dinner with friends. my giant is home with us and we have two full days to enjoy.

happy weekend!

1 comment:

The Montes' said...

This post is chock full of "woo-hoo"s! (Except for the tardy letters.."boo" to that.) But pottying on the toilet?! Counting to 10?! Imy you are on a roll! Way to go!! I wish we were there to do some celebratin' w you!

And I cannot believe you are already 29 weeks. Crazy. So excited to meet the new Stanton.

Rob cut his hair? Will we recognize him?

Praying for you guys! So many changes on the horizon. :) Exciting times.