Friday, May 10, 2013

Leftover Friday

House hunting was a bust today :( sorry Grammy for wasting your time.

We had a blast with robs sis Jenn, Cory, tucker and carter last week. Here's our playlist of fun:
Roughriders game
More shopping
Adults night out
4 wheeler

Before Texas, I was doing my moms boot camp. And, well the pounds are starting to add up again.

My giant turned another year older. And we got to celebrate him. Oh, how I love him.

Reminding myself to stop and enjoy. Everything.

Guess who was up on all fours scooting this week?!?

My pipi girl was just the cutest thing yesterday, I mean she's cute, but yesterday she was a little extra.

One of pipis favorite things to do here at my aunts is run in the yard with their four big dogs. We even discovered a tree that has eyes, a nose and a mustache. She named him Alfred.

All of Mira's 6 month clothes are locked away in storage with no hope of getting to them anytime soon. They were the most amount of clothes I had and now she will never get to put her adorable little self in them. {and I had some pretty cute 6 month clothes for imogen}. It really is a bummer. Here's to hoping we get into a house before she needs 9 month clothes.

My grease monkey has decided to work tomorrow for extra hours and our {one bedroom house} needs attention. We absolutely love our church and thankful again and again we get to be covenant members and attend every week.

1 comment:

The Montes' said...

Tiff!! You guys look so great. I got teary-eyed reading your "leftovers"...We miss you guys mucho, but I can see Texas fits you so well. :) Ugh. Praying for a house...SOON/NOW.
