Friday, July 5, 2013

the 5th of july

leftover friday:

let the painting party begin! we get the keys to our house tonight and we are beyond excited.
if only i just hadn't painted an entire house...

i spend half an hour on the phone with larry and betty {the sellers} and they told me all about the neighborhood and neighbors and they are leaving behind a set of encyclopedias, two book cases and some lumber for the giant. not sure how i feel about all of that, but love their kindness.

while picking out paint at the paint store today.  both girls pooped out of their clothes.  fun times.  needless to say, i did not get all the colors picked out.

we have spend 5 out of 6 days with the merriman family.  so thankful for great friends.

i feel like now that i've reached a certain age almost everyone thinks or wants to run a {5k}.  i don't get it.

we celebrated our freedom by attending a 2 year olds birthday party, naps, red, white & blue rice krispies, a home depot date and a rough riders game which included fireworks.

my giant is working today, but will be helping our home come to life this weekend. and because we threw in a last minute baseball game, our week of celebrating will continue with grilling out, sparklers and cocktails tomorrow night.

happy weekend!

pics from bernice {my phone}

1 comment:

The Montes' said...

Happy Independence Day, Friends!! Looks like you had a fabulous celebration! Miss you all! Wish we could come help you paint! (No really, I do.)