Friday, August 2, 2013

Leftover Friday

Grammy came to stay the night and I get to leave the house this afternoon myself. 
And I'm feeling a little guilty for it. 

Nails are being put in our walls now and pictures are starting to go up. I might have to live in the house a little while longer for it to be all done. 

Imogen has the cutest room in the house. 

Someone had her first taste of food this week. She has been so curious so I decided to let her explore. And the avocado was almost all gone. 

My homegroup girls got together for a little painting and wine and treats. It was the first time I left both girlies with daddy for the entire evening. 

A potty chart is filled and dance class is booked. 

I am two weeks sugar free. 

Since Grammy is here. A date with my giant is on. plus No work tomorrow means more time with him too. 

Happy weekend!

1 comment:

The Montes' said...

Mira is growing too fast! Congrats & High-5s to "Mimi"!! Dance class will be so fun!

We miss you all! Happy weekend!