Friday, November 15, 2013


leftover friday:

because my giant organized our garage last weekend, all the Christmas decorations were found and our tree is up.  imogen has been in awe this week as things continue to go up and lights get turned on.

on a side note: our tree is too tall and there is no possible way of putting the top part of the tree on.  so it looks a little funny. what do we do? the good thing is, you cannot tell the top of the tree is missing from the outside of our house looking in the window.

i have lacked motivation this week, but about to begin a new journey into the couponing world.

really late nights with my greasy monkey again this week means late bedtimes for this household.

a big surprise has arrived in this family and one we never saw coming. we were shocked, but excited now.

before we found out. imogen and i were playing on the floor one day and she looked at me and said "mommy, you have a baby in your belly and it's a little brother." ahhhh! crazy girl.

this baby came into our lives as a surprise and will breath his/her first breath as a surprise.

an out of hospital orientation, cheering on the big red, pizza, a working greasy monkey, an 11 month birthday, church and some extra needed snuggles with my man.

happy weekend!


Mrs. Wallace said...

Goodness!! What exciting (although probably a bit overwhelming at first) news!! So happy for you guys and praying for everything you need to be provided through the pregnancy and life with three wee ones!

Alisha said...

Way behind on the blog world! Congrats on your surprise, I think surprises are the best :) I will tell you 3 is a slight challenge but you're super mom and it'll be a breeze!!