Friday, March 14, 2014

finally, a leftover friday

how am i 30 weeks/7 months preggo already? this baby is going to come soon and we still don't have a girls name. 

my pipi girl woke up in the middle of the night screaming. i rush in and find her on the floor. she had fallen out of bed and hit the very corner of her night stand with her eye. she has a pretty big black eye now. i told her it makes her look tough and she said "i don't know how to be tough, momma."

after mira gives morning snuggles and has some food in her belly, she wonders around the house looking for "daa dddyy."

i find myself telling my giant, "well, if i had such and such oil, or if i had this..."  and so, i finally did it. i put my order into {young living essential oils}. i have been wanting to start them for so very long, but finally put forth the effort. so many great things about them and i can't wait to get started.

we are so very drained this week and i've been extra irritable. i've had apologize to my girls too many times. 

the weather has been perfect for outdoor play and imogen comes outside and claims she is way too cold. {what in the world} momma is over here already sweating and she acts like there is snow in the air. it's 70 degrees people.

oh how i wish we could afford a birth photographer, but a doula takes priority. 

i took down winter snowflakes and hearts we made and put up our pinwheels. pipi only likes the pink one.

you know when you do something so stupid, you just can't believe it? that was me. i never ever do this and have no idea why i did. i answered the door to a complete stranger. i always look out the front window first to see who it is. he was older, gruff, looking for a Loretta Guild and extremely creepy.  now we are super paranoid over here and i'm cautious to even take the girls for a walk. 

papa joel and his girly friend are coming for the weekend and you know that means good food will be consumed.

happy weekend!

1 comment:

John and Sarah said...

Such precious pictures! I love that Rob has two girls. Cracks me up. Is he such a softie with them?