Friday, July 22, 2016

leftover friday

imogen just came to me and said “i’ve changed my ways.”
{she was in her room for rest time}
she said she has changed her ways about God.  she was talking to God and singing a song about Him and that she is going to choose Him and choose to be good all the time. 
i asked her to sing me the song and she said that is only for God and she will remember some other time. 

we've had a very low key week since we have returned to the heat. but feeding the kids program and taking a meal to friends was on that list.

we almost had a moment of unclarity and went camping, with our friends, in the mountains today.
and then we brought ourselves back to reality and although we are crazy, this would be really crazy. 

i was reminded again this week what it means to be a true friend and how hard it is to see people come and go out of your life. praying everyday for true, godly friendships for our family.

back to nursery duty, hosting papa joel, good food and playing with uncle jeff.

happy weekend.

just a few pics from the last couple of weeks. 

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