Friday, August 25, 2017

friday friday

yesterday we started our first day of classical conversations {CC} and the beginning of our homeschooling adventure this year.

she woke up ready for first grade!

gosh, i can never get mira to look at me.

and juno, starting the year with 2 black eyes 😵.
she has a bad habit of running in front of people while they are swinging and the other eye is a nasty bug bite. 

i hate even typing this, but as much as i didn't want summer to start, i am not wanting it to end. i have loved our laid back days. don't hear me wrong, i'm all ready for cooler weather {more than ready}, but not quite ready for our routine of "full" school (we did a little school almost everyday this summer) to come back.

raise your hand if we should get rid of the littles bed they share and get this?

our giant is having surgery next week, after 5 years of dealing with this dang gall bladder. and because his work doesn't have "light duty" he will have to go on disability while he recovers.
he's feeling deprived living off of ONLY leafy greens, some fruit, some meat, avocados and water.

the homegirls filled up another {team stanton} so their vote was to see leap! at the theater today. 

scraping some popcorn ceilings and car projects are on the menu.
happy weekend.

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