Friday, March 30, 2018

pneumonia and things

imogen's eardrum burst last friday and on saturday we hit the local Easter festival 
{imy said it released all the pressure in her ear and made her feel much better}

we never seemed to find the petting zoo, but ending with the justice league was a highlight
{and juno's favorite part :)}

our giant was working late that night so the homegirls and i went out for a special treat to gnome cones and entered into their picture contest they were having.
even superheroes need a break from the heat:

even though these superhero girls and i didn't win, we still love our gnome cones and will be back soon.

on palm sunday we celebrated rob's grandparents 72nd anniversary and his grandpa's 96th birthday.
 it was a party!

i'm so thankful for the time we got to spend with family and celebrate life.

sickness started to settle in for me and i chalked it up to allergies, but each day this week i have only gotten worse. i was talked into going to the doctor yesterday and my tests came back negative for the flu and strep, but i have pneumonia.

i had to miss teaching cc again this week. the weather has been so beautiful out and i've had to keep these homegirls cooped up inside. no bike rides, no mud kitchen, no hikes, no playing catch, no running in the "sprinkles", no field trips, no friends over.

grammy is coming to grab the girlies to help me out and rest is on the menu.
happy Easter and 
happy weekend

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