i have been trying new recipes every week. i just look up what i can make with the ingredients i already have and wa la. dinner.
my grease monkey decided to jump in a bucket of grease and head to work tomorrow. alas, my hair will have to wait, for i don't have a babysitter to head to the beauty shop.
she is trying so hard to crawl. buttocks in the air. legs kicking.
i make mistakes. i admit to them.
robbie's mommy had knee surgery this week. painful. poor grammy.
i hate when i'm still awake when i hear the newspapers hit the neighboring doors.
it is not always jellybeans and lollipops raising a baby. sometimes i want to leave her on a doorstep and get the hell outta there. sometimes.
rob bikes with a friend. i'm kinda jealous.
there is a local here who lets her mutt run wild on the third floor. he chooses to use our doorways as his bathroom. his name is max.
our dear friends received a new job and home this month. so happy for them. plus they are expecting baby 2!
here is pipi and her future husband meeting for the first time {give or take a day or two}
in the words of his daddy
"haven wanted to make a good first impression, so he combed his hair and brought his Bible."

i believe it was a lovely first date ;)
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