Monday, May 23, 2011

"this is rob with the pager, from parkwood"

do you remember why we live in a retirement apartment complex? well, here's why.
{sometimes i have to keep reminding myself}

*we are the {backup} emergency responders. so if one of the elderly hits their little beeper they wear around their neck. then we come a'callin.

*we get super cheap reduced rent. i mean it.

*we are getting out of debt.

*we are planning a move. {more on that later} i have never written about it and will soon. i promise.

so, friday night i guess they turned the water off in building 2 so they could work on something or another. our pager went off around 11:30. i do not go on the calls with my giant anymore because of the wee one, anyway the emergency turned out to be a lady needing a glass of water to take her pills. really? well, i guess. apparently, she also had really bad cotton mouth. i could only imagine.
we head back to bed. at 5:20 a.m., our pager goes off again. rob grabs some more water {just in case that is what this person needs as well}. turns out they only press the button to let us know the water was not working. yes, we knew that. but they seemed to think rob was there to fix it. please let it be known that we are not maintenance. we don't fix anything or clean or do your laundry. we only help if you have an emergency {example: if you fall}. he kindly told Coy and Billy Gene that someone is working on the problem in the building. but while telling the husband this, his wife is peaking around the corner giving rob death glares. she then proceeds to walk over to her couch, grab her purse and coat and head back into hiding. she thought he was a hooligan.
just wait till she sees what the maintenance guy looks like! she's in for a real treat.

so back to why we live here.
i wonder why, a lot these days.

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