Friday, June 17, 2011

what will be, will be

friday leftovers:

it's been a long week and my emotions have been a roller coaster. hello weekend glad to see you.

she is pulling herself up all over the place and is now trying to stand without using any objects. a daredevil she is.

the heat down here is absolutely miserable so pipi and i go and get sno-cones about twice a week. she enjoys her peewee plain ice.

sometimes i wonder if i loved her newborn stage enough.

so excited for friends and how their adoption is becoming more real.

i pray for the renewing of a right spirit within me.

the f.o.b. is trying to train for a biathlon.

we finally bought a new lens for my camera. and i am in love.

she got mistaken for a baby boy again.
the lady, whose husband lets their dog out only in his undies, was talking to that dog "what a pretty little boy. did you see him? what a pretty little boy."
ugh, "thanks, but she is a girl"
still talking to her dog, "did you see him? he's so pretty."
i give up.

i moved our 300 pound (that's a guess) desk across the apartment. i am making room for a crib.

i can't wait to show you what i'm celebrating my f.o.b with for father's day. treat, support and love those daddies in your life.

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