Friday, September 14, 2012

more leftovers

this week has been pretty ambitious with meatballs, sweet potatoes, burritos, soup and homemade rolls.  i even got some packing in. but i am reminded to stop and catch my breath, to slow down and enjoy every moment because this little ninja baby has been wanting to come out early. with an irritated uterus and early contractions, rest is what needs to happen.

i don't want to just get through each day, i want to live it. and sometimes i get suckered into focusing everything on what's next and not what's here.

pipi totally surprised me the other day when she was pulling out her crayons to color with and calling them by name. that girl blows me away sometimes.

but then...i found a dolly in the potty.

she has now entered the "mine" stage. and thinking everything is hers. she has a rude awakening when she finds out nothing is.

the big girl started sleeping with her pillow. in preparation for a big girl bed. {coming too soon}

i smell fall in the air and oh how i've missed it.

i really like the name ramona, but the f.o.b. does not. dagnabit.

nana and my giant got into a {heated} discussion on politics. he loves to push buttons and is never afraid to. and i love how she truly believes the good in people.

and with that said, i applied for my colorado voter registration.

a work weekend for my greasy monkey and house shopping for me {update} the 100 year old house we fell in  love with became available again. i can't even explain how overjoyed we are.

and here's our family prayer and picnic night and a blurry 26 week belly.

happy weekend!

1 comment:

Jenn said...

She is the cutest! How are you already 26 weeks?!?! It is flying by...for me anyway:)