Friday, May 9, 2014

a happy birthday week

we celebrated my giant's birthday this week. good pizza, favorite beer and homemade monster cookie cupcakes, all with a picnic outside.

when pipi woke up that day she said "don't tell daddy it's his birthday!"

i think this is going to be a long baby.  i don't ever remember my mira love stuck in my ribs all day every day.

we almost had to take pipi to the er on monday night. she was wearing her long dress up "wedding dress" with her tap shoes and wanted to step up on our {kissing stool} to give mirabelle a kiss and of course slipped and sliced the inside of her lip open.  poor girl, she was very brave and it left an open wound.
i called rob to come home. and then he remembered my uncle is an oral surgeon. 30 minutes later we were at their house where my uncle had set up a little station for imogen to receive a of couple stitches. turns out the mouth is an extraordinary thing and in the time we drove over, the wound had shut on its own.
thankful for no tears and no first stitches.

ok, it's time to be serious about getting ready for baby to be here. things need to be put together, organized, washed and still no girls name.

i would love to share more on how essential oils are helping our family so much. but that is going to have to be for another day.

cooking making, homegroup/party, a visit from grammy, a working greasy monkey and then a date night.

happy weekend.

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