Friday, July 11, 2014

leftover friday

i know, it's been awhile. and things have been busy around here.

mirabelle calls {Elmo}, melmo and it's the cutest.
and imogen still wants to call juniper sweet tea sweetheart and "sinks she is still a girl."

juno is absolutely the sweetest baby. she put herself on a schedule a few weeks ago and loves to sleep :)

so my parents wanted to put in a new fence. so i volunteered my husband and my brother in law. a weeks vacation and rob's sis and fam drove down from montana and we drove up. the guys worked sun up to sun down and despite not getting to take breaks in the pool with us girls, we did get to eat lunch and dinner with our guys every night.

this project was a big undertaking and i don't think either of them want to see another fence for a long time. but we were very thankful for the time spent with family and a happy 4th of July.

happy weekend!

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