Friday, July 18, 2014

leftover friday

my girls have been getting into {EVERYTHING} and i need my stress away essential oil more than ever.

i am determined that i will never have a clean house with 3 littles and a giant living in it. never.

mira was caught the other day on top of the dining room table drawing with sharpies on it {imogen and i were working on a project and i thought i had put the sharpies out of reach} lesson learned: lemon oil takes out sharpie.

imogen was caught wiggling juniper awake in her bassinet. all three girls were down for a nap and i get out of shower and saw it all.

our office is full of toys and some of imogen's other favorite things because she told me she would rather have consequences that pick anything up.

i raised my voice one too many times last week and i hate the sound of it.

feeling frustrated about my weight is helping no one. why does my body never lose my baby weight? i watch so many of my friends lose their weight because of nursing, but not this girl.

Mira officially dropped her morning nap. 

Somehow i believe that people forgot we had a third child? i don't know how, but it's the strangest thing when friends and family member do not even aknowkedge this sweetness. juno is 13 pounds and has been in 3months size clothes for a few weeks now. My little penguin. 

we celebrated grammy and her birthday yesterday by eating fish.

it seems lately that every time i am looking for something, i can't find it for days. i am losing my mind.

the Lord chose me to be a momma of 3 little girlies. i need to remember that {always}.

have you tried Revolver blood and honey? is a local brew and we're really into right now.

we are trying really hard to get juniper to take a bottle and a paci. hoping the paci will help her settle down while in her car seat {she still hates everything about it and screams the entire time} and loved having both my other girls take a bottle. but juno is having a hard time. maybe i started too late.

i just finished Downton Abbey. i got hooked and really enjoyed it. rob is so thankful there are no more episodes left. i turned it on at night and he would fall asleep in about 3 seconds flat.

pretty sure our swim play date is rained out today, but i don't mind. i love the rain.

here's to a happy weekend!

pics from bernice {my phone}

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