Friday, September 5, 2014

leftover friday

we had the best labor day. my giant had the day off. we slept late, ate 2 great meals at home, played, tickled, wrestled,  and danced with the girls.
i even got 2 loads of laundry and the dishes done.

imogen started school. can i say that again?!? imogen freakin started preschool.
she was beyond excited for her first day and when i picked her up and asked how it went she said "i'll tell you about it later."

i joined our community activity center and not that i don't get enough looks already, bringing in my 3 young girlies, but the kids center doesn't take babies younger than 6 months so there i am forced to work out with juniper attached to me. i just can't get away from the stares. i strap her in the ergo and power walk 4-5 miles each day. i guess it's kind of like wearing a weighted vest.

we went to our last rough riders baseball game of the season. we enjoy them too much.

me: "do you use your indoor voice at preschool?"
imy: "but my voice just wants to be loud momma."

my giant insists that louis black is funny. i disagree.

i absolutely love how juno wraps her legs around me when she's cuddling.

mira thinks she goes to preschool too. we're just {going} with it.

oh, my biggest news yet...he got rid of 114 tires from our tire graveyard!!

a probably working greasy monkey, a Bible study, a go big red, church, elder led prayer, and 4-5 miles of walking.

happy weekend :)

pics with bernice {my phone}

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