Friday, October 3, 2014

friday leftovers

i looked up and saw my girlies hugging each other today.
we may have moments when we are all in tears or when this deep loud voice comes out of me because they are at each other's throats, but it's moments like these that my heart swells with joy.

october is here {and i'm so very glad} even if it's still 85 degrees out. thieves and orange are in my diffuser and it smells like fall.

Imogen begged me to watch Pippi Longstockings. Now she only want me to do her hair like hers.
i do say it's a nice change from having to do it like Elsa's all the time :)

we have been on the hunt to find a new tent that is bigger than our current 6 person tent. we sold a set of wheels and tires last night and scored an amazing deal on a 12 person tent. camping here we come!

we have new neighbors moving in next door. they are also retired and we are still the only young bucks on the block.

i caught myself saying all y'all. what the what?!? am i turning texan?

an unplanned trip to the Western Days festival last weekend and we discovered a cute, hole in the wall place to get a good burger and local brew. i can't believe that it took us a year to find it.

remind me to never forget to help Imogen pick out her clothes again the night before preschool.
{horrific things will happen if not}

we are missing a 5k race tomorrow for Naomi's Village. i really wanted to participate, but my giant is working and i don't know if i'm up to conquer it on my own.
i usually don't let things stop me, but with three, 3 and under, I have to pick and choose what I do on my own now.
or i might go insane.

my baby turned 4 months and i have a post to write about her.

french dip sandwiches tonight, a working greasy monkey, church, husker football, elder led prayer and girls night.
happy weekend.

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