Friday, October 10, 2014

a 4 month birthday

a few days late, but Juno, you have changed and grown so much this month. You found your feet, starting to not cry {every time} you are put in your car seat, skipped over 6 month clothes, cut your first tooth a few weeks ago and are working on another one. you are in the 100th percentile for both height and weight and reach out to try and grab whatever you can. Although you are continuing to get bigger, you still love to be swaddled, sang too and held nonstop {all things to remind me just how much of a baby you still are.} I love how you are our happiest baby and give the biggest smiles out whenever you please. I needed your smiles this week. You were diagnosed with a heart murmur a few months ago and we will be heading to the pediatric cardiologist just to check it out just to make sure it is innocent, but your heavy breathing and intensely sweating self have them a little concerned. You are so full of joy, Juniper and we love you so much. We celebrated you by sleeping in, cleaning house and eating pizza with friends.

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