Friday, November 7, 2014

leftover friday

last minute conference trip for papa and we get to see my parents again this weekend!

my greasy monkey worked long, long hours this week and his body didn't respond well. 
essential oils to the rescue!

we are about 0-3 for movies from redbox.

have you ever made cheeseburger soup. i suggest you look into it :)

we had a rare most fantastic day yesterday. 

i can't keep shoes on mira, her feet are going so fast and she is going through shoes like crazy.

and juniper...oh juno, she's in 12-18 months clothes already. ahhhh!

as of last night, i have decided that i must get dreads soon or cut off my hair. what's your vote?

i truly believe that texans don't know what a car top carrier is. almost every time i am in a drive-thru someone thinks i'm going kayaking. 

i can't keep enough snacks stocked, fresh produce fresh and mountain dew supplied.

happy weekend!

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