Friday, January 2, 2015

happy new year!

my baby turned 7 months and she is now clapping, eating a few solids and usually only wakes once during the night. she flips out when she is left alone, but smiles on demand and gives kisses.

Christmas decor is down and i think every toy we own is all over my floor.

i had a really hard week last week. i went crazy.
but a reminder from my giant {i more that love that man} that this life is not about us, or about our homegirls. we are here to bring glory to His name.  everything we do is an eternal thing.

it's been raining here and when it rains here in the winter, all i can think about is how much snow we would have if we were still living north.
snow speaks to my soul.

but i wear my snow boots when it rains.

we are trying to cure our mira love from wanting to crawl into bed with us after we have put everyone down. rob caved the first couple of nights because yes it was sweet she wanted to spend extra time with us. but now, not so sweet.

our washer isn't working right. and i am really dreading packing up the girls and lugging them to the laundry mat. i mean, it took us 40 minutes to just get in the car before heading to costco {in the rain}.

i dream of spending a night away with my giant.

new rules have been established here. including a devotion before naps and quiet reading time after naps and then story time. now only if i can get my strong willed child to want to participate in the new rules.

we celebrated new year's eve with friends and a dance party. and then slept in, ate aretha frankensteins pancakes, watched 3 movies, stayed in our pi's all day and ate pizza in bed :)

i hope you all had a very merry Christmas.
happy weekend!

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