Friday, January 9, 2015

leftover friday

i learned last night that my husband as a fear of...wait for it...wait for it...cotton balls.

anyone else never wash their face at night? i don't wear makeup so i never feel the need to cleanse. however, i do wash my face in the morning {with raw, straight from the comb honey}

i really enjoy sparkling water, especially LaCroix. i am officially hooked on the coconut flavor {thanks to my big sis} and you can buy a big pack of it at costco.

our poor sweet juno baby got attacked by the stomach flu this week, throwing up over 20 times in one night.  she was the saddest sight.

on our way to get the mail yesterday, a coyote came out of nowhere and ran into the neighbors yard. imogen now thinks we have wolves.

well, our washing machine is officially out of commission and i have to find elsewhere to do my laundry. and only super close friends come over and grab all your puke filled clothes and do your laundry for you. i owe her big time!

i can't get enough of my Thieves cleaner. i just want to drench all of my carpet in it.

the temps are dipping into the 30's and i just love how littles look all bundled up. especially when my mira love insists on wear her cowgirl boots.

it's been an exciting week over here!

happy weekend.

some pics of our time at nana and papa's house

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