Friday, April 22, 2016

leftover friday

daddy and uncle jeff took the bird nest down in our carport and the homegirls are very concerned. the   mommy bird comes back everyday looking for her egg and my girls try to talk with her. imogen even drew her a picture. 
imy -"mommy, the birds don't seem to like me. can you connect with them?"

i will never be ahead of the laundry. why can't i just embrace this?

my giant has been up to all kinds of shenanigans lately.
but, {in his defense} they have been mostly for other people.

i have learned it is ok to grieve with forgiveness. i think forgiveness is one of the biggest acts of love. grieve over what was and that you are right, but then dump it, move on and give deep true forgiveness.

best quotes this week:
me: "where did you learn such big words?"
imy:"well, mirabelle knows big words too. i learned them from her."

mira: "how you doin baby?"

imy: "what are you doing mommy?"
me: "today is called, clean out our life day."
imy: "i DO NOT like the name of today."

imy: "there are 2 kinds of sugar; the kind that makes me sleepy and the kind that makes me feel good. can i have some?"

mira: "grammy gives us spicy chips and soda. i am going to love grammy forever."
thank you grammy for that one...

 my greasy monkey is working and we will be shopping for a birthday present for him, volunteering at church, playing outside and going to our church picnic.

what are your plans?

happy weekend.

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