Friday, May 11, 2018

leftover friday

imogen drew this picture and came to me and said some day when she has her own house, she is going to have a backyard like this. it made me tear up, the saddest thing is that {with her kid like mind} she actually thinks she's going to want to play when she is grown. she doesn't know anything different. we only have a few more years of her imagination and play and then kiddos loose it. i still remember being in the 4th grade wrestling with wanting to play and not. 
i pray for many, many more play days with this girl and oh, how i wish i could give her a backyard like this one.

this girl went a "little" off roading on our bike ride and she ended up with a flat tire and had to walk her bike back the rest of the way. two tears were shed and thats it. she took a deep breath and said "i'm ok mommy, i can do this."

our last preschool performance. bittersweet. 
all three homegirls will be joining the homeschool full time next year. no preschool.

imagen's hiphop recital is tomorrow and she's been practicing a lot and introducing the moves to her sissy belle.

splash pad season!
and all the hotness of summer starting 😲😩

dance recital, dinners and celebrating grammy.

happy weekend.

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