Friday, August 17, 2018

leftover friday!

We are deeply saddened to learn of the devastating news that our dear friend Dawn has ALS (sometimes known as Lou Gehrig’s disease). Both Rob and I grew up with her and her husband in church and youth group. They are the couple who introduced us back in junior high school and helped us reconnected when we were 23.  They stood with us at our wedding, navigated newborns and then multiple kiddos and then onto homeschooling with us. Our bond has always been strong, even while living states apart. 

Dawn and Dave hold an unbelievable spot in our lives and the heart of our family. We are fearlessly pleading to God to heal her body. We are striving to help them and their four young kiddos. We are asking for your help as we come alongside the Salyer family and give them our Toyota Sienna Van. 

We cannot be there to help them walk this out day to day, as they live in Nebraska, but we can still help them out in a big way. They are in need of a different vehicle. Dawn has lost function on her left side and does not have the strength to open car doors. Our van has power doors, along with other great updated features that their current van does not have. If we had the means we would drive up our van tomorrow and give it to them, but we still owe on it and cannot financially do that. If you would like and feel led to come alongside us, support and help in giving this to our best friends, please let us know.  Once we are able to pay it off and receive the title, we will deliver it to them. 

Our time here is not our own and we are not promised tomorrow. 

Thanks for taking the time to read this.
Rob and Tiff

we are so very grateful for the friends and family who have stepped up and helped us in this process. we are happy to announce that we are getting closer to having raised enough to be able to give our van to our friends. i have cried every day for her and this tragic diagnosis and we are trying to meet this need as soon as we can. 
if you are a believer, we are called to be different, to live differently, to think differently. that means every choice we make is an eternal choice.  
we need to be asking ourselves daily, how are you bringing glory to God?

the lion king jr had 2 casts and 3 shows per cast.
check out our pippi girl, she's the only one looking at the camera :)

it was such a cute performance and i'm thankful for the overflow seats they had available for us since every show was sold out!

i was half way through brushing my teeth this morning when i realized the toothbrush i was using wasn't my own.😝

imogen- "hey, that's my seat. i always sit there."
mira- "well, i almost sit here none days and sometimes on mondays."

juno- "it smells like armpits in here."

here's a sneak peek of what we're going to be for halloween!
(yes, we start planning way in advance)

uncle jeff came and picked the homegirls up on his day off and took them to the zoo.
he left me with his dog moose.
i took moose on a long walk to our lake.
he really is one of the best dogs i have ever known.

lots of swimming happened this week!

i took the girls out for a prayer breakfast this morning. we feasted and prayed over our upcoming cc school year. i think i'm going to make this a tradition every year.

after over 50 plus hours extra that he spent on a van last week, our greasy monkey is tuning up yet another one for a big giveaway. gosh dang he's amazing.
 it's husker night at the roughriders and we're hoping to join in the fun. 

happy weekend!

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