Friday, October 5, 2018

leftover friday

i am reminded all over again this past week that we are meant for more than this life. people will always disappoint us. always.
please stop thinking only of yourself. it's something we must fight everyday.

my dear friend dawn doesn't even know that her awful disease has brought a little bit of healing to another friendship; my friend who walked away years ago with no explanation, who i grieved, who i loved, who i still miss, who i forgave. 
she came over with her kiddos (who my homegirls don't even know anymore and barely remember) to just drop off something for dawn and ended staying for hours. 
and it was good.
 maybe there is more healing to come?

our giant works endless hours on other people's vehicles. he doesn't just sacrifice time for himself, time with us, he doesn't make money doing it. and people still don't appreciate it. some don't even value it. some have come to expect it. 
do you know anyone in your life who does this daily?
he pushes me more than anyone. 

my brother and his fam pit stopped at our house this week and although it was just for a night, we loved playing with our cousins and catching up.

nana and papa were also here for just a night this week. through rob's work he is given a lease vehicle that he can drive. we have always given the lease to his mom (grammy) so she can drive it, but we helped her get into her own vehicle on mother's day. 
we have given my parents the opportunity of having the lease and they are so excited. 

even though it was too hot for the pumpkin patch, we went because our time with nana and papa was so short.
 it was worth the $5 for an hour of fun in the hot hot sun. plus no one else was there.

our giant is at the fix my ride event and i caught some nasty cough and congestion. but i'll still be cheering mira on at her soccer game.

happy weekend!

p.s. here's a few pics of our adventures of dog sitting moose last weekend :)

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