Wednesday, July 30, 2014

two months, already

Happy Two Month Birthday to my sweet Juniper. Time is going the quickest with you and I wish you would slow down. You grow so much every day and now we have to move you from the bassinet to the crib. You sleep so well and were the only one to like the bassinet and your big sissy Mira is not ready for you to have her crib. You smile so much and your coos are the most beautiful sound in the world. Both of your sisters adore you so and if I would let them they would hold you, pet you, tug on you and talk to you all day long. We are still trying to get you to take a paci and a bottle, but you're not having it. I know if would help you from screaming in your car seat every trip. Your eyes are so big and so curious. My favorite is watching you wake up in the morning, stretching and stretching and smiling and sometimes tooting. God sure surprised us with you and we have loved every minute. We celebrated by cuddling, watching PeterPan and eating steak and potatoes. You're our little penguin and we love you so.

we call you:
Baby Sissy

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