Friday, June 10, 2016

leftover friday already

we have been staying really busy this week so there's no time for fighting and getting on each others nerves.

swimming, the zoo, making food for others, handing out food for others, waiting for the bug man who never came, watching the airplanes land and take off on the observation deck at the airport, a trip to the dump, grocery store and making homemade pretzels that flopped.

my friend and i agree that we hate lathering our children with sunscreen. i mean i do it when it's needed. but i attempt to stay in all kinds of shade as possible.

why are guys boxers so much more expensive than girls underwear. i can get a good quality pair that will last for years 5 for $20 or even sometimes 7 for $20 for myself. but my giant's are $15 for one pair of quality ones. i have been resorting to the $5 pairs at target. i hope he doesn't notice.

the homegirls have been sleeping in this summer. the littles until 8:00 and imy has been sleeping to 9:00 or 9:30. i am feeling very refreshed these days.

mira's best quotes this week:
"my finger is really hungry."

"i will take care of all the rodgers in our house."
{yes, we are still concerned about rodgers over here}

there were lots more and of course i have forgotten them. but only if you could hear her little raspy voice to go along with her quotes.

i discovered an acting theater a couple blocks away for our house and i signed imogen up the acting camp next week. they are putting on the three little pigs. she is thrilled.

our giant has too many projects to be worked on {and surprise, surprise they're all related to cars}

this texas heat has hit and is not going to stop us from getting out and having fun.

happy weekend.

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