Friday, March 9, 2018


imogen-"mommy, mirabelle made a big mess."

(i'm still in bed) me-"what kind of mess?"

imogen-"you just have to come see."

rolling out of bed i say "is it a good mess or a bad mess." you know because that is a true thing.
{at least in this house}
i pass their bathroom and i get a clue as to what the mess is. i see blood dripping from the counter onto my clean floor, smeared around as an *attempt* to clean up and wads of kleenex lying about. i follow the trail of blood droplets until i reach the trash can in the kitchen. i don't have to open it because the amount of kleenex she had used was keeping it open.
i find her in the playroom with a blood stained shirt and say "mira what happened to you? remember you don't have to use a new kleenex everytime you get just one drop on it. please."
mira-"what, i didn't. nothing happened."
you see, mira suffers from bloody noses, especially when the weather changes, i was the same when i was younger. but gosh dang, how many times do i have to say you don't have to use a whole box of kleenex every time you have one!

we had to miss our cc community day because the littlest has pink eye. i hate pink eye. you have to spend all day saying don't touch that, listening to sisters scream "she touched me!" and of course cleaning everything they touch. every night you go to bed thinking who is going to wake up with it in the morning.

i don't think i told you but our tv broke in january. of course, it happened when nana and papa were visiting. anyway, a friend had given us their old tv, but it didn't come with a stand and i wouldn't allow my giant to gouge huge holes in the wall to hang it (i like to rearrange too much and i'm not a huge fan of tv attached to walls, at least not my walls) so he worked hard to built me a stand out of 2x4's. it isn't the prettiest, but it gets the job done and he really did work hard on it and is proud of it. so we weren't able to watch the Super Bowl or any of the Olympics, but jeez, i was at least able to watch the Oscars! kidding. even though the tv was working we still didn't watch the Oscars.
(no judging, please)

me- (reading a book to the girls)
mira-(interrupting) "those are really bootiful trees in that book."
juno- "ya, those are really booootifuuuul fings in there."

mira-"mommy, can i have a wipe?" {she means a baby wipe}
me-"what is it for?"
mira-"well, i got marker all over my desk."
juno-"ya, and it's the color of poop."

this week i finally decided enough was enough. our table had to go. i had been saving what i could so we could finally all sit together at a table. our current situation: the girls sit at a tiny table made for tiny people that my mom and i found at a garage sale. our regular sized table is an antique given to us by my parents 

and although one side is broken and won't stay up, at least the other side does, but that still doesn't fit our entire family. you see this is a round table and our space in our house just isn't made for a round table. imogen barely fits on the tiny table and has moved over to our regular sized table and now fights are starting to can see where this is going.
so i've been craigslist shopping. 
my giant thinks i'm a fool when it comes to craigslist
but i aint no fool
i found us a table. a west elm table in fact. and although our chairs don't look the best with it (i can be on the hunt for different chairs later) it fits perfect in our space.
our new situation:
and i moved the tiny table into the littles room. {its the desk mira got all the brown marker on๐Ÿ˜†}

praying no one else gets the nasty in their eyes, making dinner for our neighbors, bike rides, outside play and hoping to go to the season opener of gnome cones. 
happy weekend.

1 comment:

Stephanie Montes said...

Just checking in to your blog bc we miss you guys something fierce. I showed Oscar the TV stand, & he said "NICE!". Love it. And LOVE your new table! You are the master of CL! Total score!! Can't wait for May!