Friday, June 15, 2018

a different kind of leftovers.

i got asked if we bought our house because we were "desperate" to find a place to live and move out of my aunt and uncle's when we came back to texas 5 years ago now. i know my friend didn't mean the comment to tug at my heart, but i saw her glancing around the house as she said it.
our home needs {as in our society says} more updates than we could ever afford, it's on the other side of the tracks, can be cramped at times and a backyard will never exist and we can't get grass to grow, but you know what?
my giant and i absolutely love each other. like head over heels, deep, true, longing for each other love.
we know too many couples who have a big house,  a beautiful magnolia home, but they are just doing life with their spouse. they aren't best friends or regular lovers or putting each others needs first.
God entrusted us with three of the most amazing humans and teaching them, showing them this love we have, that is ultimately His love, is a beautiful life.
and so much more than having the vanity, the comforts this world craves.

for father's day, i'm giving my giant what he needs most.

happy weekend!

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