Thursday, February 28, 2019

leftover friday on a thrusday

as i woke my mind started racing
 -do we have enough to pay bills this week? -what am i going to cook for dinner the next 3 nights?  -all people talk about is getting away for the weekend or going on vacation to here. why can't we do that? -we make a choice to spend our money on others. -i am doubting that choice this week. -i want to be curled up with my giant or roasting marshmallows with my homegirls, camping and hiking in the woods. -i want to be selfish and comfortable.

my giant found an older toyota sienna and is "restoring" it for a single mom of 4 girls. he just text me and said she thinks it's too good to be true. all those thoughts dropped out of my head. gosh, this is why we do what we do. because Jesus did what he did. we are called to live like Him, not selfish or comfortable. peace fills my heart and this momma will get a need met {a trustworthy car that can hold her kiddos} and His love will be shown.

we are called to live differently and that calls to be different in all aspects of life, not just on sundays.

We need your help! If you feel at all led to contribute to the parts it will take to get this thing running from bumper to bumper, please send me a direct message. We would love to provide her with a dependable vehicle to drive to work and care for her girls. Thank you!

i just love this picture of juno. it's not too often you find her in a princess costume.
but saturdays are for bike rides and dress up.

she's teaching herself how to play the piano. her choice :)

field trip on sunday to the pick n pull to hunt for car parts.

bike rides all day every day in nice weather.

mira- "did you have tonsils before?"
imy- "i have tonsils right now."
mira- "but you should never get them out."

mira- "when are we going home?"
me- "when all errands are done."
mira- "ugh!!"
me- "why? you have things you gotta do today?"
mira- "yes, i have 3 things. i promised juno i would play with friends with her, and then more playing and then watch a show."

we were planning on attending their old preschool's carnival, but it's supposed to rain all day. but we will be celebrating my cousin's fiance at her bridal shower with these pillows i made them :)

happy weekend.

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